Argus-Leader from Sioux Falls, South Dakota (2024)

THE DAILY ARGUS-IEADER, SIOUX FALLS, S. P. -Wce'dg'-14, nEiPiTrfANPi ROOM AND BOARD 5s Oh T-Uiq 15 THE STAMP1H' GROUND OF OLD Radio. Program UNA IA I Al (HOE A RjojjP I RTfUS I NPSj A Muft A sQBUnAB I HS EIj tJa I RDaIm EiNqNtE IP llA IMEH a i ptjP ANQa I Congressmen's Pay Should Be Raised From $10,000 to $25,000 he grazes om cactus and busts open rocks to lick. out the ACROSS Heavenly body $, Btvtnsa t.

Halr-draaeftif Implement II. Hall U. His ti. Fruit IS. Farmer It.

Coat with aa alloy of tin and feed It. Devour 40. Man: Latia 41. Proa ot a metai A YWjCttRBirw I IT Ss. vaw irVi- COPPER ORE- He bbli On fi SEASICK ON FLAT GROUND, mountaia 41.

Chart 14. Part of ih era 41. Retus I I I 9 Ml -e" BUT GOES LIKE A LIZARD BUT GOES LIKE A LIZAKU It. IDlde4 44. Highway Central War Time Listening tonight: NBC Mr.

and Mrs. North; 8 Alan Young comedy; 8:30 District Attorney; 9 Phil 1 1 i i i a-ari i ii ci sWMj iAjkioujRTsn rj AR tPtT enD a CIL tTBHuiLIEIsnPiA I PnAjRll TFAST UTjE IPlEAT TL ElYjEUEIS PIYUa'rIaIrI New York. Aug. 9. The wife of be hammered In their home district one of the Republican governors at for unconscionable creed even Tom Dewey'a st.

Louis seminar ran though Jt were designed to take ef- loose at the lip with a suggestion feet at a future session. I. Tear 17. Municipality It Simplest M. Baffles tl.

Neretiva S3. Disable 14, Actor In a Play 17, Term of respect IS, Empty St. Number It. Feacork that any statesman's loving little 44. Exist 47.

Bequiro 10, Orderly r- ransem*nl 14. Leava out 11. Wire meaaare i7. On or the Hebridaa Islands M. Stiver coin 9.

Constellatioa to. Shower (L, American general Congressmen's par of 110,000 should be raised to S25.000 at once. He runs for office every two Solution Of Yesterday'a Puzzle years. The campaign expense va St. Novel CJ.

Whirlpool DOWN Cloaa forcibly Harris music quia; 10:30 Arthur Hopkins presents "Yellow Jack." CBS 7 Red Barber and Allan 7:30 Dr. Christian play; 8 Jack Carson's show; 8:30 Mildred Bailey company; 9:30 Col. Stoop-nagle. Blue Scramby Am by quia; 7:30 My Best Girls: 8 Dun-ninger's mental magic; 8:30 Tony Pastor band; 9:15 Ted Malone from England. MBS 7:30 Guy Lom-bardo music; 8:15 Screen Test; 8:15 First Nighter drama.

treasure who wouldn't help her old man with his letters, without public pay, ought to get a drvoree. She was talking about Mrs. Harry Truman, who has been drawing 14.000 a year from tha government for such work. Deplorable as it Is for its nasti-nesa, this remark might da some rles but is, on the average, $1,000 a year. It may be more if he has to stand a primary contest and some rivals run in primaries with no hope of winning but only to cause the incumbent expense.

In presi BOULDERS. THESEBOULDERSr 0 mm mA Mm dential years some of them get help good, nevertheless. 'ror ona thing, it should embolden from their national organizations but this Is not necessarily generous and is never reliable. other husbands in tha campaign, on both sides, to call up their manhood and issue orders as to who Is to do the talking and who is to The statesman gets 30 cents a mile to and from a session but Not .11 husbands fact this prob- ny of them make four or five i trips a year to their home dis- Zs-hmuruTf the rfitrlcti and none of this political ex-could hope to carry we ouraen oi. in fheir lnrnmi.

is deductible in their income 1. Story Cupid 4. Be penitent a. Sour (. Tale T.

Seem 5. Vecetabl Roman poet 10. Meaaura 1L loleta at tha aea 1. Thua 1L Chine meaaura of dlitanca n. Deceive 2.

Layer la, Heavenly belns Sawllk part French cola 29.. LI v(n SO. Soldvring Sua 1L Vestibule 13. Concealed water t4. Monrrel dog 16.

Unthankiul persona tT. Faucet 41. Mantao 45. Wish 11. Ahead 46.

Past 47. Extinct bird 48. Send out 41. Heroine of "La Boheme" 50. Cabbag salad iU Leaping taU less ampMhlna St.

Wife of GeraiDt hi. Numerous SS. Anger pense 7 13 17 i. jS IO I 14 zlT 24 js 2F lio 44" 4T 4w 47 Ue Uj T' 5o Si S2 i political blame for meddlesome statements that President Roosevelt has borne so lightly for 1J years. tax returns.

Neither is the expense of living in Washington for 200 or more days But Mrs. Roosevelt is a unique and a year which, with unavomawe special case. She has advertised and tv-. endorsed shows and books and com- i rw. itKM.H jnunist persons and projects, caUed Mlesrnen executives and the Uke her husband the "roier of ttoejmy charge off such amounts.

In American people, given aid and itne meantime he maintains a real comfort to rackets and racketeers Oil THUNDERBOLT' wing an answering Hugh ta home in his district where he must be a substantial citizen and, nowadays, the sessions are so long that his private law practice or other business wanes or dies of neglect In granting the raise the people, in effect, would be subsidising the political expenses of their servants. That sounds worse than it is. and, anyway, the people are doing it now and, as for the hold-the-line order and the Little Steel formula, it Ae feofures 6-f Afi the nlri unnt 0-- and journeyed fsr at public expense In the hitherto nonpolitical and almost holy habit of the Red Cross. But thla extra emphasis on the Truman arrangement for the collection of some petty -white graft may be salutary in another way, too. It calls attention to snide and disreputable practice which the members of both houses of con-ress have resorted to as a pathetic compromise between decent dignity and the necessities of their eco never harm you." On revolt from ehiM a no JB 1 Your Baby and Mine should be remembered that prac KKIO TONIGHT 5 IS News of tne Worid 6 4S H.

V. Kaltenborn no Men Young Show lV Mr. District Attornrr 00 College of Musical Knowledge 101S Rlchsrd Harknei 10 SO Arthur Hopkins Presents 11 Design for Dancing ll: Hess by NBC Tm'RSOAT PROGRAMS (Central War Time) 4:90 Just Plsin Bill, Drsmstie nbe 8ongs Prom the Three 8tsters ebs Summer Swing Orchestra blue Front Psge Fsrrell Serial nbe wilderness Rosd, Serial Series ebs Dick Trscy blue News Report for IS mlns. nbe Dsnelng Music Orchestra ebs America's Serensde: Bports nbe Ted Husing snd Sport Spot ebs Hop Hsrngsn blue 1:10 Jerl SullsKsn Song Show ebs Jsck Armstrong blue :45 Lowell Thomas Si Newscsst nbe World News snd Commentary ebs The 8ea Hound blue 1:00 "1 Love a Mvsterr." Drama ebs M'sicsl Mysteries, Stopsk Ore blu Fulton Lewis. Jr.

Commente mbs World War via Broadcast nbe John Nesbitt's Passing Parade ebs Vomer Hurd mbs Lit) Trresistihles. Olrls Vocal nbe It's Murder. Safety Dr. Skit blue Kalenborn Comment nbe Chester Bowles Talk on OPA blue Dance Orchestra ill mins. mbs 1:00 Those We Love.

Drsmatic nbe Suspense. Mvstere Dra. Show ebs Broartacts of News i IS mlns. I blue 7:19 Uim and Abner Serial Skit blue Kick Carter Detective Serial mbs ,7:30 America Town Meeting Forum blu Human Adventures, Dramtlc mbs 7'BS Five Minutes News Period ebs 1:00 Vsrietjr in Music Hsll nbe Major Bowers Amateur Show ebs Gabriel Heatter Comment mbs IS Screen Test. Professionals mbs 1:30 Chsrlie Chan nbe Corliss Archer.

Drama Serles ebs Spotlight Bands. Guest Orch. blue I 55 Minutes StorT Teller blue :00 Harrjr Savor and Comedy nbo First Line, tj. S. Navy Dramas ebs Pavmond Grsm Swlna Com.

blue Geo. Hicks from Overseas blue Tinr Runner Tells of People mbs :30 Dramatised Short Stories nbe Here's to Romance and Songs ebs Stop or Go with Joe E. Brown blu 10:00 The Music Shop nbe News. Dence hr. ebs.

bine Newsreel. Dance Orch. (3 h.t mbs 10:15 Variety and News to a. m. nbe KO0 SCHEDULE 1 on Alex Dreier News a jn Davtlme Classics 10:30 Breakfast at Sardis 1:00 Guiding Lisht 1:15 Today's Children 1:30 Woman In Whi'e 3:30 Appointment with Life 3:00 Backstaeei Wife Stella Dallas 3:30 Lorenso Jones 3:45 Young Widder Brown 4 -So Summertime 8wing 5 on News hr NBC 5 15 Serensde to America 9:40 Clem McCarthy 5:45 News from London BBC? 6:00 Music Shop 1:00 News from London BBC KEI.O SCHFOrLB 615 News of the World 45 H.

V. Kaltenborn 1 30 Aldrich Family 00 Music Hsll 3:00 Presents Harry Savoy 10:15 Richard Harkness 1 iO JO New World Cholristerg 1100 News 05 Design for Listening 11:55 News tically all labor is receiving inflationary pay. Sidney Hillman re to act at the dictation of tbt piw" helps the parent understand the sponsibility she bears to ImmMj, her chUdren, against pmentsbi. diseases. It matr Ka I l.

hasn't a leg to stand on and she must expect that her children will imitate her words as well as her behavior. Some of a small child's sassiness disuldcL 2(oppA-: BOB TAYLOR SLATED FOR 'THEY WERE EXPENDABLE' nomic condition cently got a raise of $3,000 a year Although congress Is supposed to from hU clothing workers at a con- can be ignored if its relationships ing a stamped, self-addressJ i. with Its parents are ordinarily har-! velope. with your request for ft Myrtle Meyer Eldred, in care be the master of its problems, anyivenUon attended and addressed, of proposal and every to rake course, by Mrs. R.

The reason pub-thelr salarlea to a fair level would lie opinion condones this nepotism be unfairly condemned as a self- is that we all know the expenses of serving act. Only a lame duck or; the position and the price levels of a man determined to retire could the time call for. The people, in this take responsibility for such a bill, lease, are in no position to pull and those who voted for it would -snoot at the Trumans. monious. fact a laugh of genuine amusem*nt the small fry who says, "You're a drip," will Holb-wood Aug.

9. If Comdr. newspaper. Tomorrow: Do you know ht tcl cMevt. your oaoy vo 007 Jack Ford does "They Were Expendable" for Metro, you can look for Lt.

Bob Taylor, also from the navy, to be in lt. That's one of the pictures the late Frank Knox wantd made Felix Jackson's next with Deanna Durbin will be "Lady on the Train" Jack Benny's ex-writer. Ed Beloin, will put it in NBC PRESENTS screen form. Franchot Tone will Mvrtie Merer Eldred will answer your questions about aiet: general ears and management of children If you will send a three-cent stamped, self-addressed envelope with your to Mrs Eldred of the Your Baby and Mine department in eart of this newspaper. BE PATIENT WITH THE SASSY CHILD Never was there a child who didn't, at some time or another, talk back to his parents.

These contemptuous and rude remarks infuriate a parent, because they deflate her own sense of importance. In consequence she is emotionally incapable of dealing with them casually. She answers back tartly, thus proclaiming herself as childish as the child, or she says like any Mrs. Upplngton, "You can't do that to me," and then discovers that he can and does. Parents should be prepared for the child from age 4 or on to say, "Why says I have to?" or "You're nuts," or just, "I won't do it." Armed for such cries they will not flare up and hit back or talk back, both of which weaken their case and put them lr.

the wrong. Remember that children have been accustomed from infancy to be told what to do and when to do it. That can'fr go on indefinitely and they assert their independence in words if not deeds. If they find that they can scratch the polish from their parent's courtesy, they grow co*cky and do not hesitate to While Walter Winchell is away, this month, his column will ba conducted by guest columnists. play opposite Deanna.

I asked Felix how soon he and Deanna expected to marry, and he said, "You know I wont be free until Ir. spite of the separation, Mrs. Artie Shaw will help Artie move into his new home over the weekend. Said she, "He's just got to have a place for his music, his books, so he can work. He's so unhappy." "What about you, Betty?" her years of illhess comfortable and saw to it that she had everything was Bernard M.

big bag man, Ben Brody, is building up a big bag industry here, and not to hold hot air Linda Darnell was about to go into a love scene with John L. Greg McClure Sullivan when her nipper caught. Neither he nor props could sip up. She finally was sewed into the dress by a wardrobe woman which is what they did to us long before zippers were bom Inga Arvad, here writing a column, did a test at Metro with Walter Pidgeon. and the studio is about to sign her on as an Music to my ears-Gregory Peck's rave about Alfred Hitchco*ck's direction.

Hurry, Hurry or Harry 'II Beat You to It If Metro doesnt hurry, Harry Conn's going to beat them to it. Ezio Pinza made a test for him No wonder Metro's drawing up a new contract for Harry G's and the Shah By LILT POXS AND ANDRE KOSTELANETZ (Famous Opera and Conductor) MUSIC SHOP His happiness comes Erst. I still jt amm nt wMnftrAte hltsririff In rrmirtr itnvn virH cvral et hie tha intense Persian sunlieht. i ides and we were signally honored jta love wilh hinv travel by donkey cart and caravan General Yarmakevitch. the de-over the blistering sands of the Render 01 Leningrad, and several mueznin calling the other Russian of Seers.

After the faithful in nravpr throiieh ciant concert the Russian general came STARRING Ha! Ho! This Really Is Something loud stjeakers. 'paving Fifth Ave-1 to the platform and expressed his! One Yard Pattern The day the Chaplin baby was born, Charlie was nice to the press boys who gathered at the hospital. JOHNNY MERCER AND A GREAT VARIETY SH0V nue prices for five-and-ten mer-j appreciation of the program. Later watching voung our distinguished guests came dapper King Farouk of Egypt en- i backstage. Were the GIs thrilled! Joying an afternoon snack of bam-1 Incidentally, my wife and I gave h.irevn anrt rnra-Poia at th Rpd I a short Ulk in Russian at the con- James.

His fan mail last month exceeded Clark Gable's. Said Spen But he refused to allow a photograph baby to be token. In Mic of the cross Listening to fact, he waxed so wroth about the Sinatra on the United Nations hn mere suggesUon he offered to pay radio from taking show- bri tl.000 to any man who gets a pic- Mon. thru Friday-6 P. M.

ture of the little girt. Whats he cer Tracy the other day, Have I got to learn to blow one of those Yes. Bill Robinson will impersonate Bert Williams in "A Night at Tony Pastors." Bill is good, but he's not Bert Williams. There was one of the finest comedians on any stage, and he say what dumb-bells tne parents are. This is a cheap sort of vengeance against parents who dominate them so consistently.

It is a kind of bravado which tends to kick the props out from under the person who lords it over them. It shouldn't be taken too seriously. Of course the mother says, and we hope truthfully, "I don't talk to you that way and I resent such discourtesy from you." Let's hope she afraid Of comparing it with Joan Eddie Sutherland haa a bunch of Canadian moneyed men ready to back him in independent productions if he agrees to make one picture a year up Mar-jorle Main is set for another glorified western titled "Gentle Annie" era every nour on me nour to v. temperature of 130 andiM Wp of h1 ome of more. driving over hair-pin curves our GIs are enduring, to tinv outposts snuggled against The country is primitive with the the sides of towering mountain exception of Teheran and even that pewits capital has no water or sewage sys- These are some of the vignettes tm.

It has a system of ditches that are mingled in the picturesque running water which are used and bliarre story of the most! for purposes. Scenically. it re-dramatic journey ever made minded me of Arizona ta remark either as private citizens or troup-1 1 made on arrival and later learned era. When Lilv and I left the that President Roosevelt had also sang like an angel. He didn't dance he shuffled.

Hey! How about putting Sophie Tucker in that A visiting man at a doesnt talk rudely to her children V. fn. -Via 3 1 1 United States to give a series of 'said this). Prices are skyhigh. concerts for the GI of the Persian i really saw a second-hand Buickj Gulf command, we were as thrilled priced at J30.000.

Most people are and excited as most people would desperately poor and bread is their! 1L IE 0 I jpfv be at the piwpect of visiting the mam met. Near East and of coming face to: Now Lily will take fuee with the color, the adventure www and the mystery ot its fabled cities' lush party the other day walked I up to a smartly dressed woman and asked, "When do you open at Florentine Gardens?" The lady happened to be Mrs. Basil Rathbone, whom he mistook for Sophie Tucker. I New Idea for Soldiers Some time ago, Akim Tamiroft made a two reel wrestling picture of i himself with two professional wrestlers male and female. Sent it overseas to Lt.

George Stevens, who's practically worn the film out i showing it to soldiers. George wrote and asked Tamiroff if he wouldn't make another one; so he's finished 1 one of himself as a punch drunk barfly, which they say is even fun and towns. But now that we have u'L tL lived throuch some of the richest JWppef Wtfl trie and most provocative experiences 1 p.i ef travel, me know that some the story-tellers were only ama- it was on our return to Teheran teUTS. Mil- nmmonrt rr. formanee for the shah at the sum- i mer palace.

Afterward we had sup- 1 per with the royal family. The shah gave us each a lovely gift a stunuin? pair of old Persian ear-1 To Form a Gl Symphony Orchestra is nier man mas 01 tne Mother, It takes only one yard of Carlos Ramirez beaued Coro. Doris I eT- 1. mm fabrifc to make this cute jumper for i 1 Kates around town during her fur- your little tot. Pattern 9060 includes a long or short sleeved blouse, too.

oert Yates, big boss of Republic, is' "i li 1 Palpably, it is impossible for us rings for myself and a beautiful! to paint a day-by-day picture of Ispahan rug for Andre. I had been the journey which took us to Cairo, presented with many lovely things Teheran, Xacvin and later to the during our tour but this was Italian-North African theatre of Andres first and while he hadn't i war So. as Lily suggests, we shall exactly wept, he had been toying; start in the middle of things, jump with the idea of wearing one of ail over the lot and try to detail my evening gowns as a snare, so some of the highlights. Lily, in- to speak. cidentally.

Insists Oike a modest' The shah's obvious familiarity' wife shouldt that I aave the floor with the details of my career was first. So I hereby trot out what a very pleasant surprise. Naturally. I consider a very special highlight- being a woman. I was flattered that I was in Teheran to form a Gi Wasn't just another singer who svmphony-popular orchestra Word happened alone.

As for the twoj of bit plan spread around the royal princesses, they are lovely! i first to arrive on skates each morn- ing for "Lake Placid Serenade." He i looks quite jaunty in a little blue beret, and he personally picks out 1 girl skaters who are to be in the front line, even though he has ex- pensive directors to arrange the; 1 whole thing. Well, he's one of our producers who can take a skate or i leave it alone. Leave me out of it 1 Pattern 9060 comes in sizes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10. Size 8, jumper, requires 1 yard 35-inch fabric, and blouse, yard 35-inch. This pattern, together with a needlework pattern Of useful and decor alive motifs for linens and garments, TWENTY CENTS.

Send TWENTY CENTS in coins for these patterns to The Argus-Leader. 134 Pattern 232 West 18th St, New York 11. N. Y. Write plainly SIZE.

NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send FIFTEEN CENTS more for the Marian Martin new and bigger Summer Pattern Book. 32-Pages, easy-to-make styles. Free pattern printed in book. Simone Simon Ml 'I: ramps like wildfire, once command- creatures and they bombarded jarries Craig and Henry GfTieral ConnoUy had offered with quest.ior.s about mv clothes borrowed from 20th Wonder his fullest cooperation.

The boy and jewels and the Hollywood it A'nuro Cordova is romancing Si-ad amateurs but one were given aurs the charming interlude Simon to m)ce ijpe Veles special furloughs and they came gossip made me feel a bit home-; jealous, or does he really mean it? from their camps in the Iraq-Iran sick. 1 area by plane, truck, jeep and tram The shah is only 25 years old and to rehearse in this first profession- speaks French beautifully. He told ally conducted GI symphony Andre and me that he studies Eng- A Wise Old Owl, orchestra. lish by listening to the radio In its final this unique he also informed us that he listens I hat B. orchestra was composed of 50 GIs, to Andre's music oa the air and on whPn Hal Wallis moved into the with 16 violins and with the double records.

cij rje Mille building at Para- rjAAJt tuminff out. ta be a Bentieman The stinner nartv at thp n'. are ka COUPLE AT GETTYSBURG HAVE 59TH MILESTONE Gettysburg. S. Aug.

9 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams quietly celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary Tuesday by keeping open house for relatives and friends. Ernest Adams married Ella Hart in the old town of Forest City, about 20 miles west of Gettysburg, on the Missouri river. Mr.

Adams The cans of N'A oil tell you about a modern synthetic that does the oil-plating. You'd imagine it's kind of magnetized to working parts, making a protective surface to shed off acids, before the worst happens. Good thing you needn't wait for an oil-plated engine; you can have that whole improvement now, using Conoco oiL who had once Dlaved in the Cleve- one of those "feasts vou read m. nt hi. Annr n.

vrnia i brought his bride to Gettysburg and established a home in the Gary Man Killed in France July 4 Gary, S. Aug. 9 Mr. and Mrs. William Lytie received a message from the war department that their son.

Bruce had been killed in France July 4. His" widow and infant son are with his parents. Other survivors are two brothers and a sister. I'd rather skip any new car rush worse than a nylon stocking sale after War. More cars have already gone out of the running than ever were built any year Howll everybody get hia new one overnight? But I've come this far with my engine oil-plated, so I figure 111 be all right.

I'll just keep it safely oil-plated by staying with my good old friend Conoco Nf A motor ofi. If you think you can beat it, okay. But remember, any engine is bound to nave acids inside from every explosion. Therefore you'd risk too much grief from cotq don, as I understand, except that orL-PLATiNQ ia made to check it. land symphony orchestra.

4 about in books the ubles were; had only a tiny name plat on his, played in camps down on the laden with the finest foods and the Ri his co-workers were upset. One Persian Gulf and at camps in the appointments were as sumptuous i asked him if he couldnt do some-very heart of the Iranian desert. 'and glittering as a fairyland about it. C. B.

replied. "If Travel was tough on all of us, but ting. Incidentally, the two Royal i after 30 years people don't know house where they have since resided continuously lor nearly 60 years Mr. Adams may also celebrate 58 years of consecutive service as a none wa ii oener ican peute Lily, nignnesses i menuonea are sisierstwho I am. a sign won help Henrr Police officer in Potter county.

In wnose good spirits ana nign humor oi tne scan ana one oi inem is nis Paulette Goddard's and (Ginsbera'a careers have been run-! the early days of the settlement always get her through the mean- twin. CONOCO The followine day Andre and i nine neck and neck. Thev both I he was town constable, later he was est situations. And when I sav mean, I'm referring to dust storms visited the collection of jewels in Started at Hal Roach studio, moved elected sheriff, off and on. and which were more than brutal.

1 the government bank and this was on to Selznick's. Now Henry's the deputy in between. At present at Thanks again to Major General truly an arnasing experience. Never big boss at Paramount, where the ripe age of 85 he is night mar-Connolly, men who were posted at before did 1 see such a fabulous Paulette ia getting the big money. ahal for the city of Gettysburg and outlying stations were given time layout of Jewels.

Every type of I asked Henry why he was willing patrols 'his beat each night as though his rears numbered 39. on from tneir auues to make the precious stone in the world was on to take on the grief of 15 produc-tnp and to attend our concerts, so, display. Before the huge vaults Itions a year, beside his own job. MOTOR OH mat wnerever we went, our per-, are spenea, is necessary lor nve I Me repuea. -mat wasn my in ten- formances were "sell-outs." government members to be present; tion; I was forced into it." Mr, and Mrs.

Adams may be classed as pioneers of this area, for they were here even before the railroad pushed its way westward into central South Dakota. MARKUS BODEWITZ IS HURT IN NEW GUINEA Valley Springs, S. D- Aug. 9. Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Bodewlti have received word from the war department that their son, Markus, was wounded July 9. in New Guinea. Markus is a private first class in the army, enlisting in June. 1941.

He haa been in New Guinea since early last fall. Markus has a twin brother. Henry, Italy. The parents have heard from Markus and reports he was only aliehtly wounded and is improving last. itrus is the law of the land and it isn't hard understand.

Sherman. S. D. The Axelsep Hero Defender of Leningrad New Zealand has a campaign for Telling Tales Out of School ti i a the increase of foodstuffs In thei thin. nnviicoM in tiv family held its annual reunion at D.frihufcrs--K0WES COMPANY an nonorea uuesr il944-45 season to feed not only itsjLe Hand well are mourning her Pipestone, with 78 present.

Mem-j One ef the Big Events In our tour own inhabitants, but also to sup- deeply. She was a great person. bers were present from South Da- was the concert we gave at the United Kingdom and the in probablv get mv hide taken off 'kota, Minnesota. Iowa, and Miami, General Connolly honored us by armed forces in the south Pacific, i for telling, but the" man who made i Fla, a. Tele Saae.aT.tra StstMa a4 offtea.

ITt aa Mtaa.

Argus-Leader from Sioux Falls, South Dakota (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.