Dead By Daylight: 10 Best Tracking Perks for Killers (2024)


  • Whispers and Infectious Fright are effective tracking perks for Killers in Dead by Daylight, helping them locate Survivors and reveal their locations.
  • Dead Man's Switch and I'm All Ears provide tracking capabilities and strategic advantages for Killers, allowing them to locate Generators and intercept Survivors during chases.
  • Lethal Pursuer and Tinkerer offer valuable tracking information and benefits for Killers, revealing starting locations of Survivors and notifying them of Generator progress, respectively. Barbeque and Chili is also a useful tracking perk that highlights the auras of nearby Survivors after hooking one.

Dead by Daylight features an array of different perks, each with its own specific uses. Whilst each perk has its own unique effects, perks can be grouped together for certain uses. It’s important that Dead by Daylight players have a good mix of perks, and don’t simply just pick a random selection of the best Killer perks, as they might not even fit their build.


Tracking perks in particular are used by Killers to acquire information on the Survivors and their whereabouts or the progress and status of Generators. These perks are excellent for helping Killers in Dead by Daylight to figure out what their next move should be. Here are some of Dead by Daylight's best tracking perks for Killers.

10 Whispers

Dead By Daylight: 10 Best Tracking Perks for Killers (1)

Whispers is one of the most effective tracking perks in Dead by Daylight. It’s also one of the most widely available, being immediately available to unlock for free. The perk activates when a Survivor is within 32 meters of the Killer, and provides an audio and visual cue to the player.

This is incredibly helpful for players who aren’t sure if there are Survivors in the area and saves the Killer’s time by preventing them from searching areas that don’t have any Survivors nearby.

9 Infectious Fright

Dead By Daylight: 10 Best Tracking Perks for Killers (2)

Infectious Fright is a perk better suited to the more aggressive Killers in Dead by Daylight. Once a Survivor is downed, the perk activates and causes any Survivors within the Killer’s Terror Radius to scream and reveal their location for 6 seconds.

Killers can use Infectious Fright to snowball, potentially securing another quick down. It can also be used to warn the Killer of any nearby Survivors looking to get a cheeky flashlight or pallet save.

8 Dead Man’s Switch

Dead By Daylight: 10 Best Tracking Perks for Killers (3)

Dead Man’s Switch not only provides tracking but also acts as a slow-down tool. When the Killer hooks a Survivor, the perk will activate. For the next 30 seconds, if progress on a Generator is interrupted, the Generator will be blocked and highlighted to the Killer. This lasts until Dead Man’s Switch deactivates.

Killers can use this perk to locate Generators that are being worked on and head over to start regressing them. Dead Man’s Switch pairs particularly well with Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, which causes Survivors to scream if they’re working on a Generator when another Survivor is hooked for the first time. This scream interrupts them on the Generator, immediately blocking it.

7 I’m All Ears

Dead By Daylight: 10 Best Tracking Perks for Killers (4)

I’m All Ears is a great tracking perk for chases and prevents Survivors from pulling off cheeky plays on the Killer. When a Survivor performs a rushed action within 48 meters of the Killer, the Killer will be able to see their aura for the next 6 seconds.

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This allows the Killer to see where the Survivor is heading next after performing a vault, allowing them to intercept the Survivor effectively. I’m All Ears is a particularly great pick on Pyramid Head since he can use his power to hit Survivors through walls.

6 A Nurse’s Calling

A Nurse’s Calling is an excellent tracking perk for stealth Killers in Dead by Daylight. Any Survivor healing within 28 meters of the Killer will have their aura revealed.

This allows stealth Killers to make a sneaky approach on an already vulnerable Survivor and potentially score a free down. It can also be used on ranged Killers, who can damage the Survivor from afar before they even know the Killer is there.

5 Lethal Pursuer

Dead By Daylight: 10 Best Tracking Perks for Killers (6)

Since its release alongside The Nemesis, Lethal Pursuer has been one of the most popular tracking perks in Dead by Daylight. Whilst the perk’s effects are rather short-lived, activating only for the first 9 seconds of the match, it gets the player off to a strong start.

The perk reveals the starting locations of all the Survivors in the match, giving the Killer a strong idea of where to head. This allows them to apply some pressure early on and is incredibly valuable for many Killers.

4 Tinkerer

Dead By Daylight: 10 Best Tracking Perks for Killers (7)

Tinkerer is a Killer perk in Dead by Daylight that is better suited to Killers able to traverse the map quickly, such as Hillybilly, Onryo, and the Nightmare.

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This perk will trigger a notification whenever a Generator hits 70% progress for the first time and put the Killer in the Undetectable Status Effect. Killers can then make their way quickly to the Generator and interrupt it, making it an excellent perk to have equipped.

3 Thrilling Tremors

Dead By Daylight: 10 Best Tracking Perks for Killers (8)

Thrilling Tremors offers a lot of utility for one perk slot. Whenever the Killer picks up a Survivor, any Generators that aren’t being worked on will be blocked for 16 seconds.

The Killer will be able to see the auras of the affected Generators. Not only does Thrilling Tremors stall Survivors for a few seconds, but it also tells the Killer which Generators currently have Survivors working on them, giving them a good idea of where they should head next.

2 Barbeque and Chili

Dead By Daylight: 10 Best Tracking Perks for Killers (9)

Barbeque and Chili used to be the most used Killer perk in Dead by Daylight. Before its nerf, it would provide a nice Bloodpoint bonus for each Survivor hooked. With that bonus gone, the perk sees slightly less play but is still an incredibly valuable tracking perk for Killers.

Every time a Survivor is hooked, the aura of any Survivor 40 meters away will be highlighted for 5 seconds. This gives the Killer a nice idea of how the Survivors are spread out, and what they’re up to. It also saves them time, by showing them exactly where they should head next after hooking a Survivor.

1 Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage

Dead By Daylight: 10 Best Tracking Perks for Killers (10)

Scourge Hooks are a unique perk type in Dead by Daylight, with Floods of Rage being an excellent variant for tracking Survivors. Whenever a Survivor is unhooked from a Scourge Hook, all other Survivors will have their auras exposed for 7 seconds.

Survivors often don’t expect this perk, allowing the Killer to sneak up on them when they least expect it. It also gives the Killer a good idea whether the unhooked Survivor is being healed immediately at the hook or not.

Dead by Daylight is currently available for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: The Unwritten Rules Of Dead By Daylight

Dead By Daylight: 10 Best Tracking Perks for Killers (2024)
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