8 Simple Ways to Have a Green Thanksgiving (2024)

Celebrating a green Thanksgiving doesn’t necessarily mean raising organically-fed turkeys in the backyard. But small changes can make your holidays more sustainable. Here’s how.

Thanksgiving is one of the most cherished North American traditions. These days, it’s important to be mindful of our country’s history while remaining thankful for who and what we have around us. It can be a great time to gather with friends and loved ones to enjoy quality time and delicious seasonal feasts. But in 2022, perhaps one of the most important considerations should be how to have a sustainable, green Thanksgiving.

You probably have a packed to-do list preparing your favorite Thanksgiving traditions, but take a moment to remember that Thanksgiving is also a time of mass consumption and food waste. Every year, Americans waste around 170 million pounds of turkey. So, in the spirit of green Thanksgiving, how about making a few small but sustainable changes to your traditions? Here are some helpful tips on sustainable practices you can incorporate into your green Thanksgiving routine.

1. Plan Ahead for a Green Thanksgiving

8 Simple Ways to Have a Green Thanksgiving (1)

Planning an elaborate sustainable holiday meal for more than five guests can be an ordeal. Organizing your guest list, menu preferences, coordinating transportation and keeping up with your own life can leave little time for Thanksgiving preparation. This is one reason many people put Thanksgiving shopping off until the last day — and end up in long lines.

If you want to put the best-quality, eco-friendly food on the table, planning is key. Scout out your local farmers’ market the weekend before for sustainable, all-natural organic ingredients for your green Thanksgiving dinner. Special Thanksgiving farmers’ markets are also held in some areas up until the day before — have a look around to see if there’s one near you.

2. Serve Organic Food

8 Simple Ways to Have a Green Thanksgiving (2)

You’ll probably not find all of your green Thanksgiving ingredients at the farmers’ market, so you may need to get some things at the store. Just try to be mindful of the quality and origin of the products you buy by keeping your eyes peeled for the USDA organic seal.

If you find yourself overwhelmed with the list of cooking duties ahead of you, delegate some to other family members to make things a bit more manageable. This also saves you the hassle of running back to the store on Thanksgiving for those one or two items you forgot.

Photo: © Utopia/Binford How To Put an End To Buying Vegetables in Plastic PackagingPlastic-free shopping isn’t hard. Everybody can contribute to waste reduction by cutting wrapped up groceries from their shopping list. We’ll…Read more

3. Choose the Right Turkey or Opt for a Vegan Turkey

8 Simple Ways to Have a Green Thanksgiving (4)

Obviously, less meat is better for the planet. Should you still choose to prepare a turkey, ensure it fulfills the following requirements for a greener Thanksgiving dinner.

  • Make sure it’s organic. Turkeys also receive the USDA Organic certification when requirements are met.
  • Keep an eye out for non-GMO certifications and birds that have been raised free-range and antibiotic-free — these will also have dedicated seals printed visibly on the packaging.
  • Buy a local turkey if possible.

If you’ve been in the vegan game for a while or just want to try something new, you could also opt for a vegan turkey this year.

4. Serve Healthy Side Dishes

8 Simple Ways to Have a Green Thanksgiving (5)

Apart from the green beans, many unhealthy foods tend to end up on our Thanksgiving dinner tables every year. Some of them are guilty pleasures we may indulge in once a year. But others are simply not as nutritious as we think. We recommend crossing out the unhealthy food this year and adding some more vegetarian Thanksgiving dishes instead.

Here are some ideas for vegan and vegetarian seasonal dishes:

  • Pumpkin Gnocchi With Sage Butter Sauce: All-Natural Recipe
  • Lentil-Walnut Vegan Roast: Mouth-Watering Meat-Free Main Dish
  • Vegan Pumpkin Cheesecake: An Easy Fall Recipe
  • Unsweetened Applesauce: Easy Sugar-Free Recipe
  • Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe You Need to Try

5. Green Thanksgivings Don’t Let Leftovers Go to Waste

8 Simple Ways to Have a Green Thanksgiving (6)

Leftovers have become a staple of a proper Thanksgiving meal in their own right. Everybody knows gravy is even better the next day. But don’t leave leftovers on the counter, or they will quickly spoil and cause unnecessary food waste. Put them in the fridge instead. And be honest with yourself about how much you or your family will actually eat. Nobody wants to eat leftovers for an entire week straight. The less leftover food you have, the less ends ups in the garbage.

Divvying up the leftovers in reusable containers among your guests is one way to reduce food waste and make your Thanksgiving a bit greener. This also leaves room in the fridge for sustainable culinary creations to come.

Also, try to reuse vegetable scraps left over from the evening’s prep. Where there’s a will to celebrate a green Thanksgiving, there’s a way to put veggie scraps to use. Try your hand at our own homemade vegetable broth recipe, for example. Here are some more ideas for scraps and leftovers:

  • 4 Clever Ways to Use Leftover Apple Peels
  • Leftover Mashed Potato Ideas: 3 Delicious Recipes
  • Potato Water: 4 Ways to Save and Use It

6. Get Creative With Green Thanksgiving Decorations

8 Simple Ways to Have a Green Thanksgiving (7)

Every year from around Halloween on, supermarkets sell a flurry of Thanksgiving-related decorations in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Aside from life-size plastic turkeys on a stake, many of these decorations are made from things we can find right in our backyards. Gather some pinecones, nuts, leaves, or branches and let your creativity take care of the rest. String them up around the house or arrange them neatly in one of your favorite seasonal bowls for all to admire.

If you don’t happen to have any cattails or stalks of wheat lying around the house, buying all-natural decorations from the supermarket or farmers’ market is a good alternative. Just make sure you avoid imitation materials and goods shipped in from out of state or even overseas.

Plastic turkeys and toys can be a cheap and easy way to amuse your kids. However, they are often imported from overseas, contain harmful chemicals, and have absolutely nothing to do with a green Thanksgiving.

7. Skip Black Friday and Appreciate What You Already Own

8 Simple Ways to Have a Green Thanksgiving (8)

While some Thanksgiving traditions involve exciting board games, nail-biting football matchups, and comforting company, others are all about heading to the closest store offering shelf-clearing prices. If this is engraved into your Thanksgiving tradition, taking your family out of it may take some effort. But you should try to do it anyway: Black Friday shopping has nothing to do with the spirit of Thanksgiving — namely giving thanks for what you have.

Instead, we’re just accumulating things we may never need. This is why Black Friday Shopping is the opposite of sustainable consumption.

Tip: Do you want to avoid impulse buys, especially when it comes to clothes? Create a minimalist wardrobe. Simply take inventory of the clothes you own, weed out your most fashionable and combinable favorites and stick to these. When you really do need a new piece, you’ll know exactly what to shop for.

Photo: CC0 Public Domain / Unsplash – Artem Beliaikin 3 Questions to Ask Yourself When Buying Fast FashionIrresistible deals on low-priced clothes and constant reboots of seasonal collections drive the cycle of cheap clothing consumption onward. Yet,…Read more

8. Get Outside and Enjoy your Sustainable Holiday

8 Simple Ways to Have a Green Thanksgiving (10)

Holidays can be stressful, and there is quite a lot to manage when it comes to Thanksgiving. You may need to host the evening’s festivities, organize an inter-family carpool to a faraway celebration destination or have exactly two hours to get the house looking spick and span before your guests arrive.

Don’t let the excitement of the day get the best of you! Remember to take it easy — even if your green Thanksgiving timetable says otherwise. Getting outside and enjoying the beautiful fall weather is a great way to reduce stress around this occasionally hectic holiday. Take your dog for a lengthy walk, go for a run or just relax outside on your balcony or at the park — in short: remember to enjoy your holiday!

Photo: CC0 Public Domain / Pixabay – Eleanor Gwen Stewart 7 Benefits of Walking You Should Not Miss Out OnWalking has many benefits and is very advantageous — even during the winter! Read on to learn more about walking…Read more

Utopia wishes you and your family a wonderful Green Thanksgiving!

Read more:

  • Stale Bread Recipes: Creative and Tasty Recipe Ideas
  • What is Slow Living – and How Do You Slow Down?
  • Cough Syrup With Onion Juice And Honey: Homemade Remedy for Coughs

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Tags: Cooking Fall Holidays Sustainability Vegan

8 Simple Ways to Have a Green Thanksgiving (2024)


How to be green on Thanksgiving? ›

  1. Think About Serving Sizes. While digging into Thanksgiving leftovers is a delicious treat after the holiday, avoiding food waste is all in the menu. ...
  2. Scale Back Your Menu. ...
  3. Buy Your Turkey Locally. ...
  4. Shop Consciously. ...
  5. Use Nature as Decor. ...
  6. Freeze Items for Later. ...
  7. Choose Sustainable Servingware. ...
  8. Load Up on the Veggies.
Nov 18, 2022

What are some ways to go green? ›

Go Green: 10 Tips for a More Sustainable Lifestyle
  • Avoid Single-Use Plastics. ...
  • Recycle. ...
  • Reduce Food Waste. ...
  • Pay Attention to What You Eat. ...
  • Conserve Energy in Your Home. ...
  • Conserve Water. ...
  • Offset Your Carbon Emissions. ...
  • Invest in Sustainable Cleaning and Beauty Products.

How can I be 100 eco friendly? ›

100+ ways to make a difference
  1. Turn the lights off when not in use.
  2. Avoid buying drinks in plastic bottles.
  3. Shop less. ...
  4. Don't use disposable coffee cups, get yourself a reusable coffee cup.
  5. Use solar power and save on energy bills.
  6. Buy fruits and veggies that are in season.
  7. Newspapers are great window cleaners.

What is a green Thanksgiving? ›

Thanksgiving is a good time to count your blessings, beginning with the many ways the natural environment sustains and enriches our lives. As part of your green Thanksgiving, make time for prayer, meditation, reflection, or perhaps just a walk in the woods to contemplate and give thanks for the wonders of nature.

What are Thanksgiving 3 colors? ›

"Everyone knows of what has come to be called 'The First Thanksgiving' between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans,' says Melanie Kirkpatrick, author of "Thanksgiving: The Holiday at the Heart of the American Experience." "It was set in the autumn and, of course, the autumnal colors are red, orange and yellow.

What is the cheapest way to go green? ›

13 Ways to Go Green and Save Money
  • Grow Your Own. “The biggest thing I'm doing this year is growing my own vegetable garden. ...
  • One Less Car. “I don't own a car. ...
  • One Less Car, Part Two. ...
  • Reuse, Reuse, Reuse. ...
  • Stop the Leaks. ...
  • Harness the Sun. ...
  • Waste Not, Want Not. ...
  • Dispense With Disposables.

What are 30 ways to help the environment? ›

30 Ways to Make Your Life More Environmentally Friendly
  • Recycle. Recycling conserves natural resources, reduces pollution and saves energy. ...
  • Turn down the bag. ...
  • Buy only what you will use. ...
  • Buy second hand. ...
  • Don't invest in idle equipment. ...
  • Donate used goods. ...
  • Buy products with less packaging. ...
  • Avoid disposable products.
Apr 19, 2019

What are five eco-friendly habits? ›

5 habits to make your life more eco-friendly
  • Reduce, reuse and recycle. ...
  • Use public transportation or prefer environmentally friendly means of transportation. ...
  • Choose environmentally friendly products. ...
  • Turn off lights and electronic devices when not in use. ...
  • Encourage others to be eco-friendly.

What is an example of a green lifestyle? ›

Please share this list of sustainable living tips with your friends, family, and social networks today!
  • Green Living Tips:
  • Save Water. ...
  • Go Nontoxic at Home. ...
  • Green Your Closet. ...
  • Green Your Energy Use. ...
  • Bank and Invest Responsibly. ...
  • Choose “Good Food” ...
  • Build Green.

What are 5 things you do at home to be an eco-friendly? ›

Five things you can do for the environment, today!
  • #1: Adopt eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyle. Every kilogram of textiles produced, generates about 17 kilograms of CO2. ...
  • #2: Say no to single use plastic. ...
  • #3: Save Water. ...
  • #4: Save Energy. ...
  • #5: Segregate Waste.
Jun 5, 2023

What are 10 ways to go green? ›

Go Green in 10 simple steps
  • Go Digital. The more you do online, the less you need paper. ...
  • Switch lights off. One of the simplest ways to reduce energy consumption is to switch lights off when you leave a room. ...
  • Reuse before recycle. ...
  • Get sharing. ...
  • Switch computers off. ...
  • Recycle. ...
  • Cut unnecessary travel. ...
  • Save water.
May 12, 2016

What are 20 ways to go green? ›

50 Ways to Go Green
  • Start a family "go-green fund." Review your previous water, gas and electric bills. ...
  • Create your own wrapping paper or gift bags out of magazines, scrap cloth or newspaper.
  • Make it a contest. ...
  • Plant trees together.
  • Adopt a road or park, and pick up litter.
  • Build a compost bin together. ...
  • Plant a garden.

How can I live green at home? ›

Reduce energy usage
  1. Using a toaster or toaster oven instead of the main range.
  2. Washing clothes in cold water instead of warm or hot.
  3. Selecting the low heat setting on your dryer, or line drying your laundry.
  4. Replacing regular light bulbs with LED bulbs.
  5. Using natural light and turning off lights in rooms you're not in.

Can green be a Thanksgiving color? ›

Green Green is the last traditional color associated with Thanksgiving. While it is not as common as some of the other colors on this list, green does have its place in many decorating schemes. Green can be used to add a touch of nature to your decor or tablescape, and it is also a common color in flower arrangements.

How to be green on holiday? ›

Here are a few tips:
  1. Save resources by using wrapping and cards that are eco-friendly or homemade: ...
  2. Decorate with items that are energy-efficient and durable: ...
  3. Eat sustainable food and avoid disposable containers and extra packaging: ...
  4. Use fewer resources when you shop and source eco-friendly presents:

How can I go green everyday? ›

Cut down on your water use.
  1. Turn off the water when you're brushing your teeth, washing your hands, or doing the dishes.
  2. Take short showers instead of baths.
  3. Use a bucket to catch water in the shower so you can use it in your garden.
  4. Run your dishwasher only when it's full.
  5. Avoid using sprinklers in your yard.

How can I have stress free Thanksgiving? ›

Here a few ways to keep stress at a minimum:
  1. Ask for help. Divide and conquer your to-do list with the help of family member or guests. ...
  2. Take a deep breath. Practice deep breathing. ...
  3. Enjoy the atmosphere. ...
  4. Make time for a turkey trot. ...
  5. Keep the meal manageable. ...
  6. Don't beat yourself up.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.